Montreal Comicon 2016 is behind us. It was a great time, but didn't get to see or participate in very much, the focus was on our corner table. That time investment didn't pay off as well this year as the last, it seems that there were many people who came out despite the periodic rain, the report is over 60 thousand, (the report for 2015 was over 50 thou,) yet there seemed to be less buyers and more lookers. Not as many people walking around with purchases, I had to make a few deals to make sales. Every year can't be great, however the cost of doing the Montreal Con has us reconsidering options for the Future. Amazingly enough, the Toronto Comicon and the Fan Expo are actually cheaper to participate in. We may be doing them for 2017. I definitely want to do the Cornwall con, the event is called Capes. Small cons have their advantages, predominantly no big name stars with expensive meet and greet packages to compete with. Who knows what the future holds, whatever works best for promotion. Speaking of which, we touched base with Dexter, who has taken to my work and talking about it to others with great enthusiasm. He is looking forward to another project I have called Sagant (Pronounced Say-gent). I am posting a few pix for Mon Con 2016:
I still don't have as much merchandise as I would like, but my portfolio is growing, and I am quickly catching up to where I want to be.

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