My work on Blond World continues, even though for the last 6 months I have been focusing on beefing my portfolio, showing what I can do with established characters, and original works created as posters. That and continuing to seek help in getting this condition balanced, Both are a slow go. The coloring for me is important, and I want the 'look' and 'feel' of Blond World to be a step above the rest. Here are some examples of whats coming, I am coloring Blond World 1 - 6, I will be releasing them all at once when they are done!

Here's the difference that color makes. Art work you see here is at various stages, ergo incomplete. I only got caught up to the 21st century with computers and graphic arts in 2009, Been learning alot since, education is a continuous ongoing process. The results are coming along, and before the end of 2016, all 6 Blond Worlds will be done!
I have B & W versions of Blond World 1 - 3 printed and am selling them at the Con. I have a colorized e-version of Blond World 1 available on disk as well.